Dear Chandra,
Thanks for your though invoking and timely article. Like you I too a car lover and I firmly believe that Hydrogen is the future of EV for our world.
However, I looking at the history when I recall the battle between Edison and Tesla over whether electricity in the form of DC (Direct Current) or AC (Alternating Current) is the right choice. Edison used his clout and money muscles to suppress AC for quite a long time - showing down Tesla. However, nature somehow makes Truth Prevail and ultimately AC became the common made of usage of electricity starting from generation to transmission and upto utilization.
At presently we are once again in same situation in respect of EVs for choice between Battry and Hydrogen. Since all the bigwigs have sunk their money in Battery driven EVs their fortune lies in Batteries and they will use all tricks to suppress promotopn of Hydrogen for EVs.
But I do hope that even though it take a decade or two, ultimate winner would be Hydrogen.