One of Albert Einstein’s most famous statements is “God does not play dice with the universe”.
. I hardly have brains enough to disregard what Einstein had said. But there’s no ban on thinking.
. On thinking I find that somewhere the matter of “Chance” or “Probability” does take effect.
. Our Earth is one of the nine planets of Sun namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Distance of these planets from Sun in AU (Astronomical Units) is respectively 0.39, 0.72, 1.00, 1.52, 5.20, 9.54, 19.22 and 30.06.
. AU is equivalent to the average distance of Earth from Sun and its value is 149,597,870.700 km or roughly 150 million kilometres.
. The nearest other Solar systems in the Milky Way galaxy are Alpha Centauri A & B which are approximately 4.35 light years away from us.
. We humans and all other living beings on our solar system including the plants have been flourishing on our planet EARTH for quite some time, which is long enough primarily because, (a) Earth is at the right distance from Sun, due to which it receives the right amount of solar radiation and (b) Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted by approximately 23.5 degrees due to which earth has weathers, (c) Earth has atmosphere comprising a mixture of Oxygen and Nitrogen which is supportive of organic living beings and (d) Earth has soil and water which sustain life.
. Further, each one of us was at one point of time, just one of the fellow, (about 39 million) sperms swimming, competing against each other, to be able to hit an ova so as to fertilise it in order to become the earliest form of self. It means a chance of 1 in about 39 million. This had been no small task but by chance each one of us accomplished it.
. Aren’t all of the above miraculous chances? Add to it the chance that I thought of expressing it and. wrote this article.
. It would also be only by chance that someone from somewhere on earth will read what I expressed.
. And again it would be a small chance that someone of the readers would like what I expressed and will clap for it.